Equity and inclusion


Manon offers various services tailored to your needs:


International not-for-profit cooperation engages more and more in supporting underrepresented groups and fostering an environment in which they can better enjoy their rights and fully participate in society. Manon provides organisations devoted to these goals with various forms of consulting and training.

Women and girls

Underrepresented and historically marginalised groups, Global Equity


Achieving inclusion in international cooperation does not happen in the blink of an eye. It involves new habits to acquire, conscious communication, strategic decisions and sustainable procedures. Investing in inclusion is a smart move. Neglecting it eventually costs a lot of hassle, not to mention the resources spent, resulting in project delay, exceeded budgets and accumulated frustration.

Manon guides teams and individuals through key-steps to manage differences effectively. Based on their specific situation, organisations develop answers to:

- How to create mutual trust, a key condition for productive cooperation?

- How to deal with different perspectives, behaviour, values, communication styles and working methods?

- Which steps can we take to dismantle persisting power dynamics in cooperation settings?

As a result, teams  cooperate more smoothly, partnerships take shape on an equal footing, and the newly gained synergy help realise objectives more effectively and with more fulfilment. Here are a few examples of learning trajectories and workshops:


Manon is regularly invited to teach university students. Here is a selection of courses and seminars she has developed and provided:


Within the European Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR), Manon contributed to discussions and peer learning on the profession:

  • SIETAR Netherlands: webinar Shift the Power: Intercultural skills for Decolonising Development. Read the summary here.
  • SIETAR Europe biannual congress: interactive session on dialogue between Russian and Western intercultural professionals
  • SIETAR Russia launch: presentation on cultural identity and cooperation between Western and Russian professionals. Read her review of the event here.


Thanks so much for facilitating and sharing your knowledge on this important topic, it was a great morning!

Kirsten Meijer, executive director Netherlands Helsinki Committee

"Manon taught as a guest-lecturer to our Master students in Projects in in International and European Cultural Engineering of the Institut Diderot for one week. Our students unanimously acknowledged Manon’s interventions as being clear, interesting, and having great pedagogical value. Manon indeed possesses the indisputable intellectual and human qualities enabling her to transmit her theoretical and practical knowledge in original and interactive ways.”

Véronique Parisot

Director of the Department Institute Denis Diderot, responsible for the Master Cultural Action & the Master Projects in in International and European Cultural Engineering (PIECE), University of Burgundy


mail: info[at]manondecourten.com


(+31) 6 14 79 62 84
